英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


12022-10-21 16:10:32




I hope you had a good weekend.(每周一简直不要太好用)

I hope you had a great trip.(同事度假回来后)

Hope you had a nice break.

I hope you are well.(尤其近期,这个句子更为常用)

I hope all is well.

Hope you're enjoying your holiday.(在对方正在度假期间你发的邮件,通常不秒回

I hope this email finds you well.

I hope you enjoyed the event.

It was great to see you on Thursday.

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.


I am writing to you about our last meeting yesterday.

I am writing to you with regards to/regarding/in connection with..

I am writing to ask/enquire/let you know/confirm/check/invite you to/tc update you on...

I am writing you to followupon…(当对方没回你之前邮件的时候,发这个)

I am contacting you to inform...

I am reaching out because...

This is just a quick note to...

This is just a quick reminder.….(或者friendly/gentle reminder)

I wanted to let you know that...

Might I take a moment of your timeto.…(非常非常正式l)

It's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. 

This email is just to let you know that...


I just got your request for... I just read your email about...

As we discussed,I would like to send you...

Thank you for your email about...

Thanks for your email this morning/yesterday/on Wednesday/last month..

Thanks for your feedback on/your invitation/your suggestion.

Thanks for sending/asking about/attending.

Thanks for your quickreply.(或者promptreply,向对方的秒回表示感谢)

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Thank you for reaching out (to me).


Sorry for my late reply.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

I apologize for the late response(当你自己回复晚了,这些都很常用)

Sorry it's been so long since my last email.

I was sorry to hear about...

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.




I've attached...

Please find [file] attached. I'm enclosing [file].

Please see the information below for more details about...

The parts in bold/in red/in blue are my comments/are the changes we made

Here's the document that you asked for,I’ve attached [file] for your review I'm sending you [file] as a pdf file.

The attached file contains...

Could you please sign the attached form and send it back to us by[date]?

Here's the [document] we discussed.[file] is attached.

Please take a look at the attached file.

Take a look at the [file] I've attached to this email.


Could you please...?

Could you possibly tell me...?

Can you please fill out this form?

I'd really appreciate it if you could...

I'd be very grateful if you could...

It would be very helpful if you could send us/me...

I was wondering if you could/if you would be able to.….

If possible,I'd like to know(more)about...

Please find my two main questions below.


I didn't/don't fully understand [something].

Could you please explain that again?

I didn't quite get your point about [something]

Could you be more specific?

Could you repeat what you said about...?

Could you give us some more details on.….?

If you could please shed some light on this topic,I would really appreciate it.

Could you please clarify [something]?

Could you please clarify when you would like us to finish this?

When exactly are you expecting to have this feature?

Here are the details on...

Could you please clarify what you would like us to do about...?

If I understood you correctly, you would like me to...

What exactly do you mean by [something]?

Could you explain what you mean by[something]? 

In other words, would you like us to...


Thank you for letting me know.

Thank you for the heads up.(“提前打声招呼”,这个在日常商务很常见)

Thank you for the notice.

Just a quick/friendly reminder that...

Thank you for sharing.

I'd like to inform you that...

Thanks for keeping me in the loop.(感谢对方从头到尾都把你包含cc在一串 email里所以事情的来龙去脉你都非常清楚)

Please keep me informed/posted/updated/in the loop.

5.请求对方的批准 OR 批准对方的请求

Please let me know if this is OK with you.

What are your thoughts (on this)?

What do you think?

Please let me know what you think.

We just need the thumbs up/the green light.(=were waiting for approval)

You (totally) have the green light!

He approved of it, so you can go ahead with the project.


I'd like to schedule a meeting on [day]if you are available/free then.

I am available on [day]if that's convenient for you.

Would you be available on [day]?

If so,I'll send you an invite shortly.

Can you make it on [day]? If so,I'll book accordingly.

I'm afraid I can't make it on [day].How about.….?(Due to….) I'm afraid we need to reschedule/delay/postpone/put back/cancel/call off/move/rearrange our meeting

We are sorry to inform you that the interview/meeting scheduled for [day] will have to be rescheduled.



Unfortunately.we cannot/we are unable to.….

I'm afraid it will not be possible to...

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that...

I'm afraid that we can't...

We regret to inform you that...

I regret to inform you that (due to….) ….

After careful consideration we have decided not) to …

Due to [reason], it won't be possible to...

It's against company policy to...

I tried my best, but...

Despite my best efforts,…

I can't see how...

I'm sorry but it's out of my hands.

I'm afraid I won't be able to...

I'm sorry to tell you that...





Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I look forward to seeing/meeting you.

Thank you in advance. Cheers.

Any feedback you can give me on this would be greatly/highly/much appreciated.

If you could have it ready by tomorrow/the end of next week.

I would really appreciate it.

I would appreciate your help in this matter.


I hope you find this helpful.

I hope that answers all your questions.

If we can be of any further assistance, please let us know.

Let me know if you need any help.

If you have any (more) questions (about)...

In the meantime, if you need any more information...

I know that's a lot to take in, so let me know if anything.

I've said doesn't make sense.

... please do not hesitate to contact me.


Thanks you for your understanding/for your patience.

Thanks again for your understanding/for your patience.

Once again, please accept our apologies for anyinconvenience caused/for the inconvenience caused/for the delay/for the misunderstanding.(这种表达更适合客服customerservice,日常商务要慎用,不要“过分道歉”,除非有重大失误)

I really hope we can find a solution soon.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


Best regards,

All the best,

Best wishes,


Have a great weekend!

Have a wonderful day!
