英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


42019-08-05 09:08:16





  Are you someone who says the following phrases a lot? "In a minute", "I will do it later" or "I’ll do it tomorrow".


  If you are, please remove them from your vocabulary immediately and seize the day! Why?duanwenw.com Because we never know how much time we have left —and it’s important we use every single bit of it!


  Your children are only babies and young for one moment! Take pictures! Make videos! Get on the ground and play with them! Avoid saying, "No", "As soon as I’m done" or any other delays.


  Be a good friend! Make visits! Make calls! Send cards! Offer help! And be sure you let your friends know how much they mean to you!


  Be the best son or daughter you can! Just as with your friends —reach out whenever possible! Let your parents know how much you love them!


  Be a great pet owner! Make sure you give lots of attention to them and show them lots of love!


  And last, but not least —let go of negativity! duanwenw.com Don’t waste even one second on hateful or negative feelings! Let it all go and live of the moment— not for the past! Be sure to live every second as if it were your last!

二、 英文心灵鸡汤短文:每日奇迹

  Every day I wake up and think to myself, "What is going to be my miracle today?"


  I meditate, and listen to beautiful music, and go through the steps of what I need to accomplish that day. I lie in my bed and think of all the adventures I’m going to have, even if it’s just going to the store, cleaning the house, or just doing the ordinary things of everyday life. I always think: What miracle is going to happen today? duanwenw.com What great and unexpected thing is going to happen? It could be a compliment from someone, or it could be a discount at the store that I didn’t expect. It could be so many things.


  But the one thing that stays constant in my mind is that a miracle is going to happen every day. In that way, my life becomes an adventure to see exactly what it’s going to be. It could be that phone call I’ve been expecting, or forgotten about. Someone from long ago appears, duanwenw.com and still remembers me in a loving way.


  That is my miracle for the day. So what is yours going to be?



  We had a remarkable sunset one day last November.


  I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon. The softest and brightest evening sunlight fell on the dry grass, on the branches of the trees on the opposite horizon, duanwenw.com and on the leaves of the shrub oaks on the hillside, while our shadows stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if we were only motes in its beams. duanwenw.com It was such a beautiful sight that we could not have imagined a moment before, and the air was so warm and serene that nothing was needed to make a paradise of that meadow.


  The sun set on that retired meadow, where no house was visible, with all the glory and splendor that it lavished on cities, as it has never set before. There was only a solitary marsh-hawk having its wings gilded by the golden light. A hermit looked from his cabin, and a little black-veined brook meandered through the marsh. As we walked in that pure and brilliant light gilding the withered grass and leaves I thought I had never been bathed in such a golden flood, and never would again.



